Of course not, but when I spied a free class from Catherine Rains, I just had to try it. Now I'm snowed under with sheets of papers, all in the palette of Pyrrol Red, Hansa Yellow, and black and white as directed in Collage Kickstart. As always, I'm amazed at the number of colours that can be obtained with a couple of tubes of paint plus B/W.
The studio is chaos again as always, with drying paper everywhere and piles stacked up and near-teetering over. This is only halfway through lesson three of five, so goodness knows how many sheets will be in the end count before the last lesson. That will be one of creating collages from the stacks.
I also managed to remember my phone on an early morning walk to the gym...it only took three months!! I caught a host of photos of shadows and reflections on a dark and rainy morning - here are two of my faves.
I'm looking forward to checking out your blogs this week. It's always so inspiring. In the meantime, please send help in the form of a front end loader to help move these paper piles, will you?